To uninstall Avast Anti Virus (AA), follow these simple steps. In Windows XP you could have two options for getting rid of them: You can either use the Add/Remove Programs Software program which is included in windows and it has a section for uninstall/installation utilities; or if you prefer a more manual approach you can use one of the many uninstallation software program software that may be downloaded from the web. To receive started, open the start menu by simply clicking the “start” button in the desktop or any type of other central area on your desktop. On the begin menu you can find usually an alternative for “Control Panel”. In case you have not currently done so, this will open it.
To use this characteristic you need to first of all close every unnecessary applications. Once all the other programs are closed, displays bursting with add/remove applications icon and click to select Avast Antivirus. Seek out the version number (for example, “avast+client1”) and click to select it. The window on the add/remove course will appear.
If you are in Windows XP House Edition you will notice two lists: Programs and Uninstallable. The first connection for this discussion box needs to be empty, while you are using Or windows 7 Home Edition. The next entry just for this dialog field should be appropriate, if you have already used a great uninstall program. In the Programs section, try to find your Avast Antivirus software program file. Should you be in Or windows 7 Home Edition, you will need to right click this app and choose houses.